Wednesday, September 28, 2011

It gets dark earlier now

That's no surprise to anybody. We are half way between the longest day of the year, June 21 where it stays light until 10:00pm and the shortest day, December 21, where it's dark at 5:00 pm. If you don't want to run in the dark, time to run is getting scarce. Well that is if you have a full time job or two.

I did think last night that if I left at 7:00pm, It would still be reasonable at 7:45 when I was done. Not so much.

Here's an article from 3 tips to stay safe while running in the dark.

I did my 3.5 miles at a 14:45 pace. Meh. Not as fast as I was. I'm back at a C25K week 2 ish. That really sucks. But it is a plan. I will just follow the plan and I will improve. AGAIN. I don't think I'll get down to my 13:20ish pace for the 10k, but I will finish in 1:30:00.

So back to the fact that it was dark on my run last night. There are creatures out in the dark. I was out minding my own business jogging along when all of a sudden I saw this thing moving in the grass.

"ACK! What's that?"
"OMG! It's a puppy"
"Where do you belong, puppy?"

With that he looked at me, started barking in his little chihuahua voice and ran back to his house.

I won't even bother talking about people that let their little bitty dogs out in the dark, off leash, on a suburban street, where they can get run over.

Off to running I was again. I got around a corner and there is something else crouched in the grass.

"Cripes! What the hell is that?"
"Oh FFS, it's a stupid cat."

Now I'm just paranoid. The dark is starting to get to me. UGH!

I keep running, and I'm going up a hill. OK. I'm walking at this point. And I see three guys running toward me. In the dark. I'm done for. Did I mention I run alone?

Then I recognize the running form of one of the runners. He's somebody I see on my runs regularly. He has a really unique running form.

"Phew. Don't think I'm being murdered today."

And with that, I think I'll start running before supper instead of after.

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