Thursday, October 27, 2011

My first Zumba class

I went to my first ever Zumba class last night. Actually, it was my first gym class of anything, last night. For it being my first time, it was meh, ok, fun.

It's a popular class so you have to line up, sign in, line up, go into class, line up to start. It's certainly a little awkward being the newbie, with everybody knowing what's going on and chit chatting.

The instructor starts. Asks if anyone is new, I stick up my hand and get promptly ignored. WTF??? *eyeroll* OK. OK. It's a class of 40 or 50 people and I was at the back. I could have jumped up and down or yelled out, but whatever.

And we start.

I actually didn't do as badly as I thought I was going to. It usually took me a couple seconds to clue in to the moves, and they they were repeated through the song. I couldn't see the instructor at all, except for her head, but I spied out a lady in front of me that looked like she knew what she was doing, so I just followed her. There's a lot of hip swiveling and boob shaking that I just could not get AT ALL. HA! So I faked it.

Was I a klutz? Yep. But guess what. So were many of the other women that were there that have taken the class before. There were actually only a very few women there that knew what they were doing. Not that there is anything wrong with that. It just means that a newbie really wouldn't feel too, too out of place.

The moves themselves were not too hard, once you figured them out. It's a latin dance so there's a lot of hip action, that I couldn't do, so I just did the steps themselves. If you've ever done a regular aerobics class, I don't think you'd have any problem with this at all. Take a look on youtube for some Zumba videos.

And to top off the night, we did this... (Zumba style)

All in all, it was an ok time. I'm sure I'll go again. At least for the 500 to 1000 calories that it burns.

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