Friday, January 23, 2015

Marathon Training Week 1

Well, I got motivated enough to write a post. I'm not guaranteeing that I will continue to write posts. But we will see what happens.

A quick 2014 in review. 

I trained for the 2014 Bluenose marathon. It went as well as could be expected. 5:28 and some change. A couple of highlights. I spent most of the race in last place as usual, I managed to pass a couple of other ladies just after Shubie Park. We played chase back and forth for most of the race until we hit Inglis Street, where I managed a speed burst and basically left them in my dust. YES! This race was also a 10 minute PR over Valley in the fall of 2013. So that was very good.

The rest of 2014 went very poorly. I trained poorly for the Niagara Falls marathon and it showed. 6:48. We had a wonderful trip though. When I was done, I swore I would never run another marathon again.

It didn't really take me that long to decide that I would run Bluenose, but that I would run with a Running Room Clinic.

2014 also saw me completing 400 days of running at least a mile. Sort of. We did a lot of snow shoeing in the winter, and I counted that. We also got a new border collie puppy named Sam in August after we lost our baby Daisy the month before. Sam is going to be my running buddy once I get him trained, but he is too young to run any distance now. So some of my miles were taking him out for walk / runs. Some of those were very very slow, and probably shouldn't be classified as runs at all, but guess what. It's my streak. I will do what I want. HA!

Total mileage for 2014 was 2201.79 km.

Goals for 2015

Let's start out with the easy ones. I'd like to PR the Blue nose marathon. I'd like to lose 30 - 40lbs. I'd like to run 2400km.

Marathon Training Week 1 - Jan 11 - 17, 2015

Sunday - I actually ran a race today. A 10K. It was MEC Race 1. It was  a really nice day for a run through Point Pleasant Park. It was a very hilly run and very icy. But I am very happy with my time. 1:19:31. Start the training cycle with a race. End with a race. Right? Sunday was also my 4 year runniversary. So, it was a pretty big day.

Monday - Monday's are rest days and also Sam's obedience training days, so this was just my treadmill mile.

Tuesday - Tuesdays are always 6km tempo days. I was pretty tired today. I ran 5.34 km in 45 minutes. That's the time to beat from now on.

Wednesday - Today was a 10km tempo run. I did manage to get some tempo paced running in there, but I'm not sure how much as my phone was too cold to keep track. 9.5 km 1:20:00 best guess.

Thursday - Tonight was my first clinic run. It was awesome. What a great bunch of people to be running with. I'm really looking forward to completing the clinic with them. 6.1 km Steady. 43:57.

Friday - Friday's are another rest day. However, I took Sam out. I have been neglecting him and our walks lately and he definitely let me know it. 35 minutes for 2km. My weigh in was today too. I didn't lose any weight on the scale this week. We took DS out for a birthday supper tonight. I had wings and nachos. I have had such a cheese craving this week. Need more cheese.

Saturday - It was a tad bit chilly today. -12C with a -25C windchill. The sun was shining so it really wasn't too too bad until I hit a wind gust. Brrr. I also did a bodypump class. I used low weights on my squats, I didn't do the lunge, shoulders or abs session. I was zonked.

Sunday - Sunday was our first Running Clinic long run. 10km. I was suffering big time from my class on Saturday. It was hard. It was slow. There was a huge hill. EEK!

All in all it was a really good week. I'm very excited about training for this marathon. I'm also still maintaining my streak. Sunday was 418 days of running*. I've also given up alcohol for this training cycle too. This should be interesting. That way I will be able to get up and go on the weekend mornings and get my runs in. I'm sure it will help with the weight loss too.

Week 1 - 40km run this week
             - 84km run in 2015
              - 2lbs lost since January 1
              - Streaking 418 days and counting
              - Alcohol free for 9 days.

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