Sunday, May 20, 2012

Race Report - Bluenose Half Marathon

20+ weeks of training all came down to this.
Let me start off by saying Thank You to all the organizers, volunteers and spectators for a wonderful race. There are so many people that put so much time and effort into making this a great event. It was wonderful.
Secondly I want to say what a super wonderful husband I have. I love him SOOOOO MUCH!!!! After being up half the night making sure all was settled in the campground, he had to get up a mere 4 hours later to drive a half hour to swap cars with me, and change the blow out I had in my tire. Yep. You read that right, I can't make this stuff up. At 6:30 am this morning, on my way to race day that I have trained for 20+ weeks, I got a flat tire.
I also want to say Thanks to the 4 cars that pulled over to check to see if I needed assistance or a ride.

I managed to make the race with about 10 minutes to spare, but I was a little frazzled and forgot a couple things in the car. I managed to get to a bathroom and meet up with a couple people and was ready to go.

My next running purchase us going to be a belt that I can put a few gu gels in. My coat around my waist sucks.

It was a pretty warm day at the start and it only got warmer. I tried to take advantage of any shade I could find along the course. Even along the water in Point Pleasant Park was warm. No ocean breeze at all.

The first few km's were crowded but good running wise. I started out with the 2:30 pace bunny, but I quickly figured out that was too fast, so I dropped back.

I was starting to get a little frustrated with people passing me. But in the end I realized that I had paced myself better because at the end of the race, I was actually passing them and strongly. I think this was my favorite part of the whole race. I did things right and I finished strong. I was able to encourage others when they were struggling.

The signs that the spectators had were fun and encouraging.

Don't poop your pants.
Pain is temporary, pride is forever.
If you can read this, your going to slow.
Run, random stranger! Run!

I finished the race in 2:47:42

I had a lot of fun, considering and I'm looking forward to the next one.

It's taken me a week to get around to finishing this post, so things are not so fresh in my mind.

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