Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2013 in review

For the most part I had a fantastic year.

Start with the lows

My father in law had a stroke early in the year. He recovered for the most part but he does have some memory and speech problems.

I gained 30 lbs. that is just gross.

Friends around me suffered some losses. Children, parents, siblings, spouses, friends, pets. Divorces and separations. I hope they have a better year in 2014.

And the bombing at the Boston Marathon. We were in the middle of planning our trip to this event, when the opportunity for Cuba presented itself.

and now for the highs

We had our fair share of RV Shows. Halifax in January. Moncton and Montreal in March.

We took a family trip to Cuba. It was a great trip. It definitely was not long enough. We will go back someday.

My step son graduated from St FX university. And my son ( the baby) graduated from high school. Daughter received the Academic All Canadian award.

We had another campground season that was pretty good. It was so cold May long weekend. It snowed in some places. Gander NL got 20 cm of snow that weekend.

We managed to get in a couple of camping trips ourselves in this year. One to Hidden Hilltop in Truro and a couple of weekends at Spry Bay Campground.

Hiking through Taylor Head Provincial Park was so much fun. I'm looking forward to more hiking in 2014.

The mud run and Run or Dye were run at Martock on the Cross Country skiing trails. I really enjoyed running through there. I'd like to get a chance to cross country ski through there too.

We also got to go to the 2013 Tourism Summit this year. We really enjoyed it. It was a lot of fun and really interesting. We learned a lot. I'm looking forward to going again next year.

Christmas Eve we had an open house. I had an absolute blast. I hope everyone else had as much fun as I did. It was probably the highlight of my holiday.

Looking back through Facebook at my 2013 I realize that we eat a LOT of lobster. And I say "and I didn't even poop my pants" more than any person should.

Running Highlights

Hypothermic Half in February. 21.1 km. This was sort of postponed due to a blizzard. So I ran mine the next day.
Lung Run in April 5km
Bluenose Half in May 21.1 km PB

Lunenburg Muffin Run in June 5km 32:35 PB
Mud run in July 6km
Maritime Race Weekend in September 5km and 21.1 km
Run or Dye in September 3 km *eyeroll*
Valley Harvest Marathon in October 42.2 km 5:40:00
Lucky 7 Relay in November 7km
Mad Dash in November 10km 1:14 PB
Resolution Run in December 5km

One of my goals for 2013 was to hit a sub-30 5km. I came close but didn't quite hit it. But I am happy with my progress. My distance goal for the year was to do at least 100 km per month. I didn't hit that in August, but I did for every other month and broke a total of 1600 km for the year. What I did do, was race every distance this year and I PB'd them all.

I took part in the #rwrunstreak this year. The goal was to run at least one mile a day from US Thanksgiving to New Years Eve. 34 Days. I ran every one of them.

That was 2013 in a nutshell. Stay tuned for plans for 2014.

2013 reading

One of my goals for 2013 was to read more. I read some and listened to lots. I kept a list and here it is. I found that with all the driving I do in the summer, I get to listen to a lot of books. Once camping season was over, I didn't have the time and the books were sent back to the library before I got to finish. I really enjoyed the James Patterson books. I'm looking forward to reading and listening to more.

1) Abduction - Mark Giminez - This had flashbacks to Vietnam war. I'm not a big war story fan, but this was a good book.
2) Eat Run - Scott Jurek - Enjoyed this
3) 50/50 - Dean Karnazes Feb 10 - Enjoyed this
4) Death du Jour - Kathy Reichs - Mar 2 - Really slow. Hard to finish
5) Born to Run - Chris MacDougall (audiobook) Good book.
6) Gone Girl - Gillian Flynn really enjoyed this one. Hard to put down
7) The Brethren - John Grisham ( audiobook) - I expected more from the ending.
8) Kill Me if you Can - James Patterson ( audiobook) this one was really good.
9) The Postcard Killers - James Patterson (audiobook) - Good. But I didn't enjoy this one as much as the first JP book.
10) Violets are Blue - James Patterson (audiobook)
11) NYPD Red - James Patterson (audiobook) I really enjoyed this one. Probably my favorite JP book so far.
12) Along Came a Spider - James Patterson (audiobook) I have never seen the movie, so it wasn't spoiled.
13) Now You See Her - James Patterson (audiobook) Another JP Fav.
14) Private - James Patterson (audiobook)
15) You've been warned -James Patterson (audiobook)
16) Sail -James Patterson (audiobook)
17) You've Been Warned - James Patterson (audiobook) - good book. Loved the ending
18) Wedding Night - Sophie Kinsela (audiobook) - only got to chapter 5 before the library took it back.
19) Run for your life - James Patterson. Audiobook.

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