Friday, November 23, 2012

You know you're a runner when...

It's taken me a while to put these together.
  1. You prefer to go shopping for running clothes than regular clothes
  2. You get jealous when you see someone out running. Even if you've been out that day
  3. You are checking the weather to see when you can get your runs in
  4. The first thing you do on a Sunday morning is check the temperature
  5. You know what an iliotibial band is
  6. You no longer hate porta potties
  7. You frequently get asked, when's your next race
  8. You get up earlier on Sunday for your long run, then any other day of the week.
  9. When you look at a map, you see running routes
  10. You plan vacations around races
  11. Your vacation plans include runs
  12. The first thing you pack for vacation is running clothes
  13. Your favorite part of Christmas day is your long run
  14. Your favorite part of New Years day is your long run
  15. You know where every public bathroom is within a 10km radius of your house
  16. Your budget has a line for race / entry fees
  17. Your sneakers cost more than your dress shoes
  18. You have more running clothes than regular clothes
  19. Your daily run is like an anti-depressant
  20. You have more patience running for an hour than you do waiting in line for 5 minutes
  21. You know how to convert pace to speed
  22. You put more miles in your shoes than in your car
  23. You have mastered the snot rocket
  24. You don't think Gu is some sort of glue
  25. You spend the last 20 minutes of a half marathon wondering why you thought this was a good idea and 20 minutes after you've finished you are wondering when you can do it again

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